Monday, October 8, 2012

MBA in times as these?

The current economical climate may appear not at all suitable for high value investments. More so when you are investing in yourself - to put hard earned money into an MBA may sound un-economical to some at this time, given the job market conditions.

But here I am at EDHEC, along with 69 other talented people, who all seem to have decided to make that investment!

To the nay-sayers I would say that the time could not have been better. The business world is changing faster than ever, and all this change has to be managed in a global setting. Managers have to have varied skills, and should be ready to tap into all resources and networks available to them. Isn’t this just the right time for an MBA that is global and diverse, intense and challenging, compact and detailed!

After spending 12 years across various positions in the IT Industry, it is now time for me to add new skills, to re-assess my management style and to broaden my network so that I am better equipped to fulfil my aspirations. I am sure the Global MBA at EDHEC will facilitate my development and will help me channelize my energy to meet my life and career goals.

I had been in Nice as a tourist earlier, but this time when I am here as a student - Nice is a nicer place! In just about two weeks, I have spoken to people from 27 different countries; have chatted with classmates who are journalists, psychiatrists, plant engineers et al; tapped into the experience of professional mountaineers; dabbled in accounting problems; and have spoken French! In the process, I have learnt tons about myself - valuable life lessons that will stay with me much longer after I graduate.

I am glad I decided to make this investment in myself, and I am happy I chose EDHEC!

The French

The language is orgasmic - en, un and an are words with meanings - not just sounds.
But indeed they sound coming from pleasure zones!

Is language the reason the French are considered to be romantic?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Bangalore beckons....

क्या होंगी वही भीगी रातें ?
वही हवा के झोंके, वही सरसराते पत्ते ?
वही coffee के कप, दोसे की खुशबू ?

शायद वोह सब तो होगा,
पर Bangalore फिर भी नया होगा