Monday, December 15, 2008

Office Sport

I have seen it earlier and I see it played competitively these days. Usually men at work play this game, but women join in too. And the serious players play it with as much vengeance as noticed on any playground.

The difference here is that the game is played solo and most often in front of computer screens.

The name of the game is ‘dig your nose’!

The players look very attentively at their screens and their fingers suddenly spring to a life of their own. They go up and round, and round and up, drilling for boogers. Once the catch is found, it is rolled into balls with equal relish, presented for inspection and then thrown away. After a few minutes of recovery from the orgasm, the search begins again.

The occupational hazard of the game is that the player may get caught while fingering himself (yes, pun intended). And then depending upon the levels of the maturity, he or she may turn a scarlet red (a rarity) or may just let the hand stop for a while (happens all the time). But connoisseurs of the sport definitely go back to it with unabated fervor.

Yes. I stopped shaking hands a long time ago.

1 comment:

The 6th Sibling said...

Whats with you.. you cant seem to get over human refuse for the last few weeks :)

whats next? ear wax?
