Saturday, July 24, 2010

A tug, no answer

Just hit upon a very old entry in my diary:

(Sunshine, I have) found a resting bed in you where my heart is anchored. But I worry I'll lose you. I understand that life has to move on. I don't want it to stop. Nor do I want you to come along my way. All I want is that the string that ties us gets so long and flexible that wherever I go, am still anchored right here with you.

Later, I ended the entry as:
You've started calling me moonlite. You know - I am, cause you are.

Since writing this, about 8 years have passed. A part of me is still stuck there.
Have tugged at the string several times. Can't see it's other end. And never got tugged back.


Unlimited freedom and several choices can leave one stuck with exactly zero options!