Monday, October 13, 2008

Entropic, yet ordered….

They all began together, at a place far beyond. They traveled together through wild terrain, among bushes and rocks, making way for their untamed journey. On the way, other similar aspirants joined them after traveling similar umpteen miles. As they all joined each other, they intermingled and lost their individuality. They broke through each stubborn block on the way in their yearning for a common goal somewhere far, far away. If they couldn’t break through, they changed the course but stopped for no one in their eternal quest.

Then, I met them.

As they cascaded down, they were still together, but started to break away under gravity, forming milky white froth. The different broken groups still tried to stick together, but some of them met with protuberances and broke further into tiny little globules. Gravity did further damage and the globules became smaller – some of them became drops and the others got so small that the breeze caused by rushing of the others of their ilk had them airborne. I them as they formed the mist around me. They engulfed me in a cool embrace, as if to welcome me and to touch me with a million tiny little finger tips. But most of them continued their downward journey, pulled on by the full force of the magic g. And then they joined again. All of the breakaway groups joined again to form the flow of Kaveri yet again.

The magic of the Meenmutty Waterfalls was out of the world.

Initially I saw it from a distance, but the fall had a magical pull and drew me to the base where I perched myself on a rock and marveled at the ways of nature. The water gushed through, broke into several streams and showers, hit boulders and broke further still. It was magical to follow the journey of each shower as it rushed down. One has to be there to really know how out-of-the-world can the worldly pleasures be.

1 comment:

The 6th Sibling said...

Hey this was really impressive.. i kept thinking you will bring up some Exotic place in Germany but i never gave serious thought to all the beautiful places we have back home here.. :) very well written indeed.